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Index of /public/e3sm/diagnostics/e3sm_to_cmip_data/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables/

CMIP6_3hr.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20     19K
CMIP6_6hrLev.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20    6273
CMIP6_6hrPlev.json                                 11-Jul-2024 19:20     12K
CMIP6_6hrPlevPt.json                               11-Jul-2024 19:20     28K
CMIP6_AERday.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20    9392
CMIP6_AERhr.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20    4545
CMIP6_AERmon.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20    103K
CMIP6_AERmonZ.json                                 11-Jul-2024 19:20     14K
CMIP6_Amon.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20     60K
CMIP6_CF3hr.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     54K
CMIP6_CFday.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     28K
CMIP6_CFmon.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     47K
CMIP6_CFsubhr.json                                 11-Jul-2024 19:20     63K
CMIP6_CV.json                                      11-Jul-2024 19:20    468K
CMIP6_E1hr.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20     12K
CMIP6_E1hrClimMon.json                             11-Jul-2024 19:20    4314
CMIP6_E3hr.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20     15K
CMIP6_E3hrPt.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20     40K
CMIP6_E6hrZ.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20    2252
CMIP6_Eday.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20    102K
CMIP6_EdayZ.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     13K
CMIP6_Efx.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20     12K
CMIP6_Emon.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20    292K
CMIP6_EmonZ.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     21K
CMIP6_Esubhr.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20     27K
CMIP6_Eyr.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20     16K
CMIP6_IfxAnt.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20    3453
CMIP6_IfxGre.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20    3453
CMIP6_ImonAnt.json                                 11-Jul-2024 19:20     24K
CMIP6_ImonGre.json                                 11-Jul-2024 19:20     24K
CMIP6_IyrAnt.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20     28K
CMIP6_IyrGre.json                                  11-Jul-2024 19:20     28K
CMIP6_LImon.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     31K
CMIP6_Lmon.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20     45K
CMIP6_Oclim.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     36K
CMIP6_Oday.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20    6820
CMIP6_Odec.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20     25K
CMIP6_Ofx.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20    7535
CMIP6_Omon.json                                    11-Jul-2024 19:20    260K
CMIP6_Oyr.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20    112K
CMIP6_SIday.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20    7232
CMIP6_SImon.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20     71K
CMIP6_coordinate.json                              11-Jul-2024 19:20    100K
CMIP6_day.json                                     11-Jul-2024 19:20     30K
CMIP6_formula_terms.json                           11-Jul-2024 19:20    6543
CMIP6_fx.json                                      11-Jul-2024 19:20    7062
CMIP6_grids.json                                   11-Jul-2024 19:20    5044
CMIP6_input_example.json                           11-Jul-2024 19:20    4403